Why Dr. Aimee, The Egg Whisperer, Trusts Novalynn Fertility For Her Patients

“Test yourself early and take control of your journey!” 

The following blog post has been medically reviewed by Dr. Aimee Eyvazzadeh, also known as The Egg Whisperer.

How accurate are at-home fertility test kits compared to tests conducted in a clinic or laboratory? 

At-home fertility test kits provide insights into fertility, but different at-home kits can vary, which is why it’s important to use a trusted company. Dr. Aimee personally tested her AMH using a Novalynn Fertility test kit and was impressed with the accuracy, as it matched her results of a blood draw taken the same day and processed through a Quest laboratory. 

What is the biggest advantage of at-home testing and what would you say to people who are nervous about pricking their own finger? 

The biggest advantage of at-home testing is the price and the convenience it offers. 

At-home fertility test kits allow individuals to collect samples in the comfort of their own homes without the need for a clinic visit – which often means long waiting room times and hard-to-make-appointments. This can be particularly beneficial for those who have busy schedules, or live in remote areas where a Quest or Labcorp requires a long drive time.

For individuals nervous about pricking their own finger for sample collection, it's important to note that Novalynn Fertility provides clear instructions and user-friendly tools – plus, it’s much less invasive than collecting several vials of blood!.

Additionally, the price is unbeatable. 

At what age do you recommend women who are interested in conceiving children (in the near or distant future) test their fertility hormones, including AMH, FSH and Estradiol?

The ideal age for women to test their fertility hormones, including Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Estradiol, can vary based on individual circumstances. 

However, many healthcare professionals suggest considering fertility testing in the following scenarios:

  • Planning for Pregnancy in the Near Future:

    • Women in their early 30s or those planning to conceive in the near future may choose to assess their fertility hormones. This can provide valuable information about ovarian reserve and potential fertility challenges.

  • Family Planning in the Distant Future:

    • Women who are not planning to conceive in the near future but are considering family planning in the distant future may opt for fertility testing in their late 20s to mid 30s. This can help them understand their reproductive health so they can make informed decisions about family planning, including whether it might be a good time to freeze their eggs.

  • Concerns or Known Risk Factors:

    • Women with known risk factors for fertility issues, such as a family history of early menopause or certain medical conditions, may consider testing earlier, possibly in their 20s.

Fertility testing is a personal decision, and the results are just one aspect of overall reproductive health. It’s wonderful that at-home testing is an option as staying on top of your health is the biggest key! 

Why is it a good idea to test your AMH with vitamin D levels? How can vitamin D affect your AMH, if at all? 

Vitamin D receptors are found in the ovaries and are believed to play a role in ovarian function. Adequate vitamin D levels may contribute to optimal ovarian health, potentially influencing AMH levels. Some studies suggest that a vitamin D deficiency may be associated with diminished ovarian reserve but an elevated vitamin D level may give a false assay of high AMH. 

Novalynn Fertility is the only at-home test kit company that offers an AMH and vitamin D test. 

When is the best time to use at-home fertility test kits in relation to the menstrual cycle or other relevant factors?

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) levels are relatively stable throughout the menstrual cycle. Testing can be done at any time, and cycle timing is less critical for AMH.

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Estradiol levels are often measured on specific days of the menstrual cycle, most commonly on days 2-4 of the menstrual cycle.

At what age do most women's fertility begin to decline? 

Female fertility begins to decline in the late 20s to early 30s, with a more significant decline occurring in the mid to late 30s. Here are some key points regarding age-related fertility decline in women:

  • Mid to Late 30s:

    • The most significant decline in fertility is often observed in the mid to late 30s, primarily due to a reduction in the quantity and quality of eggs.

  • After 35:

    • After the age of 35, the decline in fertility becomes more pronounced, and the chances of conception decrease. Additionally, the risk of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in embryos increases.

  • After 40:

    • Fertility continues to decline, and the likelihood of achieving a pregnancy naturally decreases. The risk of complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and hypertension, also rises.

It's important to note that individual variations exist, and some women may experience fertility decline earlier or later than the general trends suggest. Factors such as overall health, lifestyle, and genetics can influence fertility. For those considering pregnancy, it's advisable to be aware of age-related fertility changes and get informed about your fertility if you do plan to conceive. If needed, consult with a healthcare provider or a fertility specialist for personalized guidance based on individual circumstances.

What is the biggest message Dr. Aimee wishes to share with all women hoping to conceive one day? 

The most important message for women hoping to conceive is to be proactive in understanding their fertility. Basically, test yourself early and take control of your journey. 

  • Start Early Awareness:

    • Starting the conversation about fertility earlier can empower you to make informed decisions about family planning.

  • Regular Health Checkups and Lifestyle Factors:

    • Schedule regular health checkups and discuss reproductive health with your healthcare providers. Early detection of any potential issues can lead to timely treatments or adjustments.

    • Adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Maintaining a healthy weight is also important for fertility.

  • Know Your Cycle:

    • Understand your menstrual cycle, ovulation, and the fertile window. This knowledge can be valuable when trying to conceive.

  • Seek Professional Guidance:

    • If there are concerns or if conception doesn't occur as expected, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a healthcare provider or a fertility specialist. 

  • Emotional Well-being:

    • Acknowledge the emotional aspects of the fertility journey. It's essential to communicate openly with partners and seek support if needed. Managing stress and maintaining emotional well-being is crucial.

  • Be Patient and Persistent:

    • Recognize that the journey to conception can vary for each individual. While some may conceive quickly, others can face challenges. Be patient, persistent, and open to exploring different options if necessary.

      Empowering women with knowledge and encouraging a proactive approach to fertility can positively impact family planning decisions and outcomes.

What is the biggest overall concern or worry patients have when it comes to fertility? 

One of the most common concerns is often related to age and the perceived pressure of a biological clock.

Balancing career goals with the desire to start a family is a common concern, too. And, of course, financial concerns often come into play. 

This again is why it’s so important to take that proactive approach with your fertility and your health and understand what’s going on with your body earlier – rather than later. 

We have never met anyone who regretted testing their fertility early but so many people regret not testing it earlier.

How can the results of at-home tests be integrated into a broader fertility evaluation by a medical professional?

The results of at-home fertility tests can provide information that can be integrated into a broader fertility evaluation conducted by a medical professional. Novalynn Fertility has partnered with Fertility Cloud to offer telehealth consultations with fertility doctors. You can also always reach out to Dr. Aimee for a personal consultation or visit her website for more fertility insights. ​​

The healthcare provider can conduct a detailed discussion of the individual's or couple's medical history, including reproductive history, menstrual cycles, lifestyle factors, and any known risk factors for fertility issues. A clinical examination may be performed to assess reproductive organs and identify any physical factors that could impact fertility.

The healthcare provider may also recommend additional diagnostic tests to complement the at-home test results. 

What should individuals do if they receive concerning results from an at-home fertility test?

Stay Calm! It's natural to feel anxious or concerned, but try to stay calm. Schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider or a fertility specialist to discuss the results and interpret the findings accurately and determine the appropriate next steps.

If a treatment plan is recommended, adhere to the prescribed plan. Second opinions are a great thing, too! 

Consider seeking emotional support from friends, family, therapy or support groups to navigate the emotional aspects of the fertility journey.

Remember that fertility journeys are unique, and there are various paths to achieving a successful pregnancy.  Staying informed is crucial.


What is a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)? Is it Painful? Can It Make You More Fertile?


AMH and Vitamin D: What Can Affect These Hormone Levels and How Are They Linked? A Fertility Specialist Explains